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Riders Inside Out - Improving Riders Confidence

  • 25 Steps


In a high pressure environment there are two types of people, those whose performance is controlled from the outside in, and those who control their performance from the inside out. Charlie Unwin "sports phycologist" has written an incredible book aimed at improving our way of thinking, performing and overcoming challenges. This course is based around his book, every fortnight we will look at a different chapter, working through it in detail to help ourselves over come nerves, anxiety, performance challenge and so much more. We will meet together via zoom on the Wednesday of each new chapter to discuss the last and open our minds to the next, discovering what each of us learnt, how we all found our own way to this learning and planning the weeks ahead.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


3 Plans Available, From £15.00/month


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