It’s #internationalwomensday today, a chance to celebrate all the beautiful women in our lives, to appreciate all they do for this world and to encourage them to come out from the shadows and shine.
As @rebeccathoughts says, “as we let go of the mistrust and the past hurts, may we mend the severing sisterhood and remember that there is more than enough room for us all to rise” Unfortunately women can be other women’s harshest critics, I’ve certainly been hurt more by women than men in my life, so it’s our responsibility whether we are female or male to allow everyone to shine their light however they wish too.

It’s a hard fact that women will step back into the shadows when they could step forward into the spot let’s reach out to every woman that’s made an impact on our life and tell them how amazing they really are. So to all my beautiful female friends and loved ones, thank you for being in my life, you are all incredible and I’m so lucky to have you in my lif