As the sun goes down on our last full day in this amazing country I reflect on some deep explorations and lessons I’ve learnt, to say it’s been emotional is an understatement but I suppose when you come to sacred lands like this you have to be prepared to be cracked wide open.
I’ve learnt that I’m really really ill if I eat a hint of gluten!! More to that story another day, I’ve learnt that when I take time to stop, old memories good and bad arise and I have to spend time working through these.

I’ve learnt I need to speak up for myself more and put myself before other people’s feelings otherwise I deal with the consequences later and I’ve taught 3 sessions of yoga in India which is a life long dream.
I’ve learnt the restrictions of traditional yoga play against every creative bone in my body, but today I learnt to find my own peace instead of fighting it....30 sun salutations later and I could honestly say I enjoyed every the start of the week I was screaming from the inside out to just let me flow. I’ve learnt that flow is my calls to my soul and I am cool with that...and I’ve learnt that best payed plans must change and the universe will always send what’s needed.
Most of all I feel so blessed to have friends like this around me, that have my back, that can cry and laugh and OM and cackle and just be totally know I have more than one of these in the world makes me an incredibly lucky girl.
So to all my girls here and back are my gratitude for today...I love each and everyone of you and I thank the universe for sending you to me.