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Can you do it without your legs and reins?

So this isn't a specific exercise, it's more of a way of thinking. I was having a conversation with another coach the other day and she mentioned her coach had asked her to try and achieve the movements without leg aids, her coach asked her to play with this concept.

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Interested in this topic! I'm a beginner, riding a very responsive horse. My trainer told me to think of his reins more like an accessory. I'm using my hips, core, shoulders, and gaze to communicate with him more than my limbs. It's very enjoyable when we are tuned into each other well.


Samantha Pringle
Samantha Pringle
Dec 30, 2022

Often think I use reins more than necessary x


Hannah J
Oct 24, 2022

I would be interested too!


Wendy Chaundy
Oct 21, 2022

Yep. I’d be interested x

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