What actions have you formed out of habit? Have those habits become your norm? Are those habits healthy, good for you, helpful?
When we act from a place of disconnect probably not, but then we continue those habit on, even when we’re opening up to these new feelings and thoughts, the old actions still come through. For me it’s saying yes to everything even when my gut is screaming no.
The old people pleaser in me still forms those habits, yet I know these actions aren’t true to myself. I find I end up letting people down and then feel worse about that, or I get ill, or stressed or just don’t own it.
Yoga gradually teaches us to be aware of our actions and to see them from a place of truth not habit. I need to learn to tale a breath before agreeing to something. You may need to learn to breathe before deciding on something.
As we start to reconnect we start to see where habits were detrimental to us and where now we need to form new actions in their replace.
So what actions do you make daily out of habit, and what ones are healthy and which ones aren’t? #yoga #yogaflow #yogateacher #health #wellness #fitspo #fitness #meditation #spiritual #woodbridge #suffolk #suffolkyoga #yogasuffolk #woodbridgeyoga #yogawoodbridge #yogalife #poweredbyyoga #yogaeverydamnday #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime #practiceandalliscoming #vinyasaflow #vinyasayoga #hathayoga #hatha #followme #yogi #yogini #love #equestrianyoga #blog #blogger #spiritualblogger #writer